Cloud Connect

A multi-provider cloud connectivity solution 

A dependable cloud interconnection platform to support your mission-critical workloads 

Cloud Connect is designed to provide secure and reliable connectivity between your eStruxture colocation environment and major cloud service providers like AWSAzure, and Google Cloud. Our solution is built through partnerships with leading Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) providersMegaport and Console Connect, and is designed to be available across all eStruxture locations.


What’s available through Cloud Connect

Form private and dedicated connections to leading cloud and SaaS providers from 50Mbps to 100Gbps*

Near instant provisioning of connections once your Cloud Connect port is activated

Short term contracts where connections can be spun up for as little as a day 

*100Gbps services are not available across all sites and will be provider dependent. If you have a need for services >10Gbps, please speak with our sales team to qualify your requirement.

It all starts with a port. Once you’ve established a cross-connect and have a port allocated on a NaaS fabric you are then able to immediately begin ordering and configuring services. Connections are brought up in minutes and provide a fully dedicated path between your port and the destination of your choosing. 

With our service, you have the choice to manage all of your own cloud connections or have our team manage them for you.

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Why eStruxture for Cloud Connect

Our reach

Our reach

Console Connect and Megaport are the two most interconnected NaaS providers in the market. They offer the greatest number of available sites and the greatest number of cloud onramps, giving you a complete solution to address your cloud interconnection needs.



Having both Megaport and Console Connect in each of our metros gives you the ability to create redundant solution with single or dual-provider designs.

Global Presence

Flexible commercial options

contract directly with us to maintain a single bill or work directly with the NaaS providers.

Learn more about our network offerings!

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